Medibank OVHC Overseas Workers Health Cover

RMIT University

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Woman pointing at diagram

Connect to what’s next at RMIT

Discover industry-led courses that connect you to the next way of working. Apply now to start studying in July.

Four RMIT students laughing alongside festivities on Bowen Street

Register early for NextFest

Experience RMIT in person or virtually at Open Day ‘22. Be the first to hear about the festival of ideas, conversations and inspiration to explore what’s next… 

RMIT Vice-chancellor Alec Cameron, Victorian Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney and several others stand together in front of a presentation.

RMIT welcomes the addition of Auslan courses to Victoria’s Free TAFE list

RMIT has welcomed the investment announcement, which will help more Victorians become Auslan interpreters and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive community.

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