UPDATE 14th April – The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has provided updated advice regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine – which is the vaccine currently being distributed at all GP clinics including ours. This is due to rare but serious instances of blood clotting, please read the latest information on the vaccine and speak with your GP if you have any questions.
You may experience minor side effects after being vaccinated for COVID-19. These generally pass in a few days and don’t cause ongoing health complications.
Common reactions to vaccination include:
- Pain, redness and/or swelling where you received the needle.
- Mild fever.
- Headache.
Serious reactions such as allergic reactions are extremely rare. They typically occur within 15 minutes of receiving a vaccine. After you receive your vaccine, you should wait this amount of time before you leave to ensure your safety in case a reaction occurs.
Use the COVID-19 vaccine side effects symptom checker if you have concerns about any symptoms after your vaccine. The checker is also available through the National Coronavirus Helpline, 1800 020 080, 24 hours a day.
The COVID-19 vaccine side effects symptom checker is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a medical professional for serious symptoms or emergencies.
More information: Department of Health.