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《金融工程专业2022留学申请书.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《金融工程专业2022留学申请书.docx(11页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 – 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、金融工程专业2022留学申请书 很多选择出国留学的学生第一次离开家。当他们抵达新的东道国时,他们对独特的文化观点着迷。当你在国外学习时,你会发觉令人难以置信的新食物,习俗,传统和社交氛围。这里给大家共享一些金融工程专业2022留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 金融工程专业2022留学申请书 Dear _, In my opinion, the Financial Engineering is a kind of creative technology to the Financial Instruments, Financial Means and system. It used to balance

2、the benefits and venture as an interesting interdisciplinary subject. It covers many fields such as mathematics, computer science and finance, in which the mathematics and mathematical modeling are the two main aspects of the Financial Engineering. The Investment Portfolio Theory of Markowitz, the c

3、apital asset pricing model of the Sharp, Option Pricing Model of Black-Scholes and “Binomial” model of Cox can best reflect the critical position of the two subjects. I am glad to choose mathematics and applied mathematics. Three years study had deepened my understanding of them, especially of mathe

4、matical modeling. (It still occurs to me when I went to attend the class of _ department given by Professor Jiang qiyuan in Tsinghua University for the first time. “1 kilogram of flour added with 1 kilogram of stuffing can make 101 dumplings, but what if the stuffing is more than 1 kilogram?” He use

5、d a very simple, vivid and interesting example which aroused my interest and led me into the mathematical modeling world. The first time I kissed the mathematical modeling was in the summer vacation of 2005, when I got a good opportunity to attend the mathematical modeling training organized by our

6、school. Seasoned mathematics teachers told me what on earth the mathematical modeling is through some existing examples, in which the one about SARS impressed me most. In 2003, SARS broke out and shrouded rapidly to the whole world, which imperiled our economic development and peoples living. Theref

7、ore, study on its spreading regularity and building the mathematical modeling for predicting and controlling its extension had become the “Archimedes Heels” for all mathematicians So, the Logistic regression has been carved in my memory. Two weeks training has presented me with a kind of passion and

8、 calm thinking much more than just those classical mathematical models. As the patron saint of our human-beings, the existence of Mathematics and mathematical modeling are maintaining our subsistence and development. Then, when SARS ran riot, when we are suffering from the pain of AIDS, what can I d

9、o as a mathematics and mathematical modeling lover who loves life so much? Pocketed with this passion and thinking, I tasted to use mathematical modeling into practice and solve the practical problems by attending the National College Mathematical Modeling Contest with the other two schoolmates on b

10、ehalf of our college. It required us to evaluate the water quality of Changjiang River according to the data, through which we had to analyze the water pollution in every region and predict the trend of it in the future. Finally we had to bring out the plan against it. It was really a challenge for

11、us towards flood of data and estimations as long as 17 pages. We tried almost a whole day only to filter those data and take the evaluations into comprehensive account. Pulling down various models we had built before, we were so defeated that we wanted to give up many times. However, we finally foun

12、d the satisfactory model thanks to our encouragement to each other which armed us with full strength to go further.We managed to evaluate the water quality by Composite index model, which could not only represent the evaluation factors, but also reflect the main impacts of the contaminations to the

13、water pollution. We predicted the future water pollution through multiple linear regressions fitting and brought out the plan against it by building linear optimization model. Finally, we got the second prize in Beijing for our thesis. Three days and nights modeling experience had cooled our passion

14、 and gave us even more calm thinking instead. The creation of the mathematical modeling, along with the successful solution to the problems through it lied on the solid mathematics foundation, strong modeling ability, accumulation of the knowledge on different fields, unique creative ideas and creat

15、ivity. The experience from this contest further aroused my interest in mathematics. I began to pay more attention to its application as well as learning the theories. In addition, I tried to catch every opportunity to take part in the practical mathematical modeling. My efforts finally rewarded when

16、 I was in the first term as a junior. I had a chance to participate in the 3-day electrician mathematical modeling practice-classifying the sports programs for a big sports meeting. Being familiar with the Graph Theory, I immediately found the way to solve the problems by seeking the best Hamilton c

17、ircuit line. Facing the nearly 8.7 billion data files with different orders much more than that on the National Mathematical Modeling Contest, I spent a long time on Algorithm without any perfect result. I wasnt defeated towards this case, but so excited instead that I could have such a chance to ch

18、allenge and improve myself. Looking up dozens of files, I finally made a perfect end of the practice by using the Genetic Algorithm into full account. It needs both a successful model and an effective arithmetic to solve these problems. , which largely shortened the operation time and improved the o

19、peration result. I learnt a lot from this practice. I came to know that to build successful mathematics modeling that can effectively solve the practical problems, we must take the operation cost Summarizing my failures in the mathematical modeling electrician practice and proceeding from my interes

20、t in this field, I began to think of collaborating on the “Mathematical Modeling Saloon” with several students from mathematics and computer departments, taking the Computer Algorithms and mathematical modeling as the two themes of the book. Every Tuesday afternoon, we would organized those students

21、 interested in this field to study and exchange the ideas and arithmetic by imparting experience, sharing what we learnt, pondering together and discussing with each other. Both the traditional transportation storage problems and the modern Stimulated Annealing Arithmetic (SAA), Ant Algorithm have e

22、ver been the topic of our discussion, from which I have learnt many thinking styles and methods to the problems from the students both in mathematics and computer department. So far, I am excited to see that this activity is still in the wind with more and more participants and it aroused a learning

23、 upsurge in our college. Recommended by my teacher, I have participated in the Teaching Reform Program of Mrs. Xing yongli-the results analysis of “Improving the mathematics teaching quality on class”. Mrs. Xing, along with some other mathematics teachers experienced the class mutual activities in 2

24、004 to 2005 with the character data files in form of paper investigations. For this style of data files, I finally used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a creative challenge instead of the fuzzy mathematical quantitative analysis models, which firstly knocked my mind. By quantitating data and

25、 using the AHP, I succeeded in analyzing how the overall quality of the teachers and their teaching skills work in improving the mathematics teaching quality on class, from which we got the conclusion that the teaching skills and the way to put forward questions on class play the most important role

26、 in the class mutual activities. Besides, Mrs. Xing collaborated with me on the thesis named “The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Processinto the Evaluation of Class Mutual Activities”. Both of us were satisfied with this thesis and contributed it to many presses to be published. Similar with the

27、mathematical modeling, the soul of the Financial Engineering is also the creativity. Therefore, the perfect application of the mathematics and mathematical modeling into the Financial Engineering once more surged my enthusiasm in this field. Furthermore, the Financial Engineering plays the important

28、 part in peoples living, social stability and the national development, which is my original intention to choose this field I think. Yours sincerely, xuexila 留学澳大利亚各高校硕士申请要求 1.澳大利亚国立高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,211、1015院校申请者平均分75分以上,非211平均分80-85分。各专业基本持平或者有5分的浮动。 2.墨尔本高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,211、1015院校申请者平均分80分以上,非211申请者平

29、均分90分以止,GMAT600分。各专业基本是持平或者有5分的浮动。 3.悉尼高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,211高校的申请者平均分75以上,而非211高校的的申请者平均分80-85以上。各专业基本持平或者有5分的浮动。 4.昆士兰高校 硕士申请要求:拥有本科学位,211院校申请者平均分75以上,而非211申请者平均分80-85以上。各专业基本是持平或者有5分的浮动。 5.新南威尔士高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,211、1015院校申请者平均分75分以上,非211申请者平均分75-85分以上,雅思6.5,单项6分。各专业基本是持平或者有5分的浮动。 6.蒙纳士高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,不区

30、分学校类别,申请者平均分在7580分以上。各专业基本是持平或者有5分的浮动。 7.西澳高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,211院校申请者平均分75以上,而非211院校申请者平均分80以上。各专业基本是持平或者有5分的浮动。 8.阿德莱德高校 硕士申请要求:本科学位,211院校申请者平均分75以上,而非211院校申请者平均分80以上。各专业基本是持平或者有5分的浮动。 澳大利亚留学签证要求须知 1.材料要求 澳洲留学签证要提交的材料包括申请表、护照、户口本、身份证、诞生公证原件、在读证明或毕业证、CoE、学校录用通知、GTE、OSHC保险凭证、存款证明、经济担保信、在职人员还要提交工作简历和工作证明

31、等。 用于递交学生签证的全部材料和信息必需是真实的。含有任何错误或误导性的虚假材料或信息的学生签证申请可能会导致申请被拒签。 2.保险要求 申请澳洲留学签证必需购买保险并供应保单,申请人必需购买OSHC海外学生健康保险。澳洲政府认证供应OSHC的主流供应商有六个,分别是AHM、NIB、CBHS、BUPA、Medibank和Alliance,学生可以根据自己的喜好自由选择。 根据2022年的费用标准,最基本的海外学生医疗保险,即达到政府规定的最低保险要求的保险安排,留学生一年的保险费在460-560澳元左右。 3.申请要求 澳洲移民局宣布从2022年7月1日起,全部的澳洲留学签证申请必需通过澳大

32、利亚内政事务部(Department of Home Affairs)的ImmiAccount在网上递交,即目前澳洲留学签证办理都是通过线上。 移民局规定澳大利亚留学签证申请至少在课程起始日的12周前递交,即要提前近3个月递交签证申请。为了加快签证申请,肯定确保所递交的材料正确、完整。 4.体检要求 同学们在递交申请后要自行打印体检表格,并到指定的医院体检。体检为3-5个工作日左右,体检医院会自行上传学生的体检报告给澳使馆。 必需要在澳洲移民局认可医院进行检查,且至少在医院结束服务时间前1小时到达医院。医院业务繁忙,留学生体检可能须要预约,同学们可以依据医院联系方式打电话过去预约。 5.审核要求 递交申请后须要耐性等待等待1-2个月左右,为了缩短签证审批时间,递交签证申请时肯定要附上全部所需文件,否则将面临审批延迟或拒签。 金融工程专业2022留学申请书本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第11页 共11页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页第 11 页 共 11 页


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